COVID-19 changes for the Miracle Garden, your provider of moringa products

We’re not considered an “essential” business, but we know for many of you, getting access to quality moringa products IS essential to your health and well-being. We’re adjusting how we do things to be of continued service in this unprecedented time of change. With concern for everyone’s safety and to comply with federal and local orders, the Miracle Garden will keep new hours and procedures until further notice.

ONLINE ORDERS at will continue to be available 24/7 and the free shipping minimum has been REDUCED to $20 orders.

CURBSIDE SERVICE will be available from 10 am to 6 pm, Thursday – Sunday. We will still accept cash or credit/debit cards for payment.

For purchases outside of the curbside hours, please arrange a PICK-UP ORDER through Facebook messenger, email, or telephone.
Message us at
New Facebook page
Call 512-549-3840

Also, product samples will not be available until we have a process to ensure your safety.

Thank you for your many years of support and patience as we navigate these changes - stay safe!

Sunny, Julie, and Chuck